Poem: A Day Without Love

 In celebration of Poetry Month:

A Day Without Love

There’ll be a day when the winter wind comes and sweeps away your love.
There’ll be a day when the leaves begin to fall down on me from the dying autumn sky.
There’ll be a day when the words that come out of your mouth will hurt me painfully, and this day, I’ll pray our love will last forever.
There’ll be a song written for you when you walk away and break my heart in half.
There’ll be melodies flying above the sky when that day comes and when you let go of my hands.
I don’t know what I’ll do.
I don’t know if I’ll cry or laugh when the word goodbye finally comes out of your mouth.
A day without love will be a day without sunshine.
It’ll be an afternoon without the laughter like those many afternoons when you laughed with me, when you called me up, and when you asked me if I loved you.
A day without love will be an evening without the moon.
A day without love will be a night without the stars that you once said were my smiles shining down on you.
A day without love will be a day when I can’t think of anyone else but you.
A day without love will be a day when I remember of the heartbreak you’ve brought to me.

Copyrighted @ 2022. Taken from Into the Night: A Collection of Poems, by N.N. Nicky


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